2, Extra Spooky Edition Users who reposted Sleep圜ast The Musical Vol. Users who like Sleep圜ast The Musical Vol. All you did was buy some time for those men out there. How do you get the captin dickhead voice on there Comment by Ophion. Pilots that need to sleep, eat, take a piss. has lived on every continent and apparently knows more about every home town on the planet than people who live in those places. Rear Admiral : These planes youve been testing, Captain, one day, sooner or later, they wont need pilots at all. got born to uber-rich parents who can afford to spend several months in Dubai, the world's most expensive city to live in. Captain Dickhead is the narrator for the 'Lost Episodes' in which he introduces the members for that episode. Something that Florida native Joseph Captain Dickhead Boren probably shouldve thought of before his own run-in with the law. enjoys filming teenage girls without consent and then bullying their mothers until they cry.

thinks he's a fascist despite lacking a spine compared to Avi Yemini who requires a block of wood if he wants to bash a woman. Captain Dickhead House Rules 4圆 ShopSparks 5.00 PUTIN is a DCKHEAD SOGH (142) 15.00 Don't Be a Richard Cranium Funny Don't be a Dickhead Offensive Tee Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt PhillyShirtGuy (83) 20.70 23. thinks loserpalooza was the same as woodstock despite there being no confrontation between hippies and bikies that results on several deaths and the abrupt cancellation of the event. chickened out of EPIC several hours before eviction because he's a coward who resembles either a rat leaving a sinking ship or an intestinal worm leaving a piece of faeces. Captain Dickhead is actually Captain Mike The pool boy Homewrecker of. has spent WAAAAAAY too much time out in the sun and freely admits to being a redneck. I was at work on the phone with one of my fianc's when Captain Dickhead walked in. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR ANY AUDIO USED IN THIS VIDEO. open to a wide variety of combat, except for intellectual combat because he is not equipped for that. Captain Dickhead Gives The Can Opener To Donna To Ensure She Stays Away Suits Suits Official 266K subscribers Subscribe 57K views 2 years ago Living up to the nickname Mike gives Harvey of. I plan on making much longer (and better) animations based off the popular podcasts from sleepycabin.